Blog - Toronto Disability Lawyer Andrew Monkhouse
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Tanious v. The Empire Life Insurance Company, 2016 BCSC 110 (CanLII)

In this case synopsis, Tanious (the insured) won substantial damages from The Empire Life Insurance Company (the insurer). Tanious worked as a compliance inspector and food safety auditor at Retail Marketing Solutions Canada Inc. (RMS). RMS provided compulsory total disability benefits. Tanious developed MS, and, as...

Kerwin v. Manulife Financial, 2017 ONSC 7166 (CanLII)

In the case of Kerwin v. Manulife Financial, Manulife (the insurer), Kerwin was approved and receiving long-term disability benefits when he began to receive a retirement settlement from his former employer.  Manulife was asking the court to deduct the amount of the retirement funds Kerwin...

Kaur v. Medavie Blue Cross, 2017 ONSC 7396 (CanLII)

Blue Cross. (the insurer) motions for a partial summary judgement in the case Kaur v. Blue Cross, wherein they request that if Kaur (the insured) receives Long Term Disability benefits that they be able to deduct the Income Replacement Benefits (IRB) that she received. Kaur was...